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Una vez allí, Pestaña de Ciencias y 1º ESO.

Enlace completo aquí: http://www.cienciasatlantico.blogsek.es/ciencias/1eso/


Hallan el fósil de una tortuga que convivió con los dinosaurios – http://pulse.me/s/6jLS4


Use the first 6 pages from this presentation. You don´t need the rest.

Theory of Evolution

Here is a very complete presentation that takes you from the beginning to where we are right now. Pretty useful I believe.

Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection

Here is a very interesting video. It´s an actual class, so pay attention!

The Origins of Life

New Unit, new resources!

Here is a video on the origins of life:

Pictures from the lab practice

I sent you a link with the pictures from the electrolisis lab practice. Check your e-mail to see the pictures.

See you in class.

Chemical Bonds, by Carlota

This is Carlota´s presentation on Chemical Bonds. Keep it for your study material guys.



Chemical Reactions, by Blanca

Here is Blanca´s great presentation on Chemical Reactions. Add it to your study material guys.






Chemical Bonds and Chemical Reactions, by Sara

Here is Sara´s excellent presentation for your study material. Thank her for her work, as it makes your life easier.